Haptics & 3D printing & modelling
- for Designers
- for Makers
- for Applied Artists
Learn more about the new technology now available.
Tactile sculpting computer software pushes the boundaries of design and enables you to feel your way around a design by means of a special hand held haptic devise sinced to a Computer.
The courses below are provided to offer options for those wishing to try out this new technology.
No traditional CAD experience or dexterity is required.

Featured courses
Create a Model to Print
Introduction to 3D Modelling & 3D Printing
Passionate 3D Creativity
Resin models 3D printed and designed by Anarkik Haptic Software
What is Haptic 3D Design & Print?

Images by kind permission of:
Ann Marie Shillito and Anarkik
Course: Create a Model to Print
Tutor: Ann Marie Shillito
Duration: 1-Day
Programme 9.30am to 5.30pm
Venue: Anarkik's studio office in Edinburgh - Ask about other venue locations.
Course fee: To be advised ask for a quote
Course Description
An introduction for designers and makers on how to create a model that can be 3D printed.
Suitable for all creative people whether a novice at 3D printing or not, this practical course is hands on with tutor guidance using the Anarkik 3D Design. This course enable you to get you working creatively from the start, it provides practical experience of Anarkik 3D Design and the advantages of touch and ease of using a '3D mouse’ to be creative. A library of objects will be used to get you modelling fast with information about what is printable and what not.
You will also see a Ultimaker2 personal 3D printer in action and gain a full understanding of the concept of 3D printing, 3D designing and 3D modelling using Anarkik 3D Design Haptic software.
Introduction - A brief overview followed by swift run through in demonstration mode to show the interface, library of objects and main menu features. Plus a brief introduction to 3D printing.
Get get a feel for interacting/creating in a risk free 3D virtual environment and work through a structured tutorial.
Try out out all the functions through structured playing and exploring, with individual assistance.
Handle 3D printed models and discuss the morning’s progress
Receive information about where to get 3D models printed and the costs and the range of 3D printed models;
Learn about the different materials available and methods of finishing.
Continue to work on the design for your model.
At the end of the course there will be an interactive feedback session, to help you identify the next steps, answer your questions and for your to receive course notes to take away with you.
Learn from Ann Marie one-to-one
Email to check Ann Marie's availability and to obtain a quote for a 1-day one-to-one session.
Course: Introduction to 3D Modelling and 3D Printing
Tutor: Ann Marie Shillito
Programme 9.30am to 5.30pm
Venue: Anarkik's studio office in Edinburgh / Ask about other venue locations.
Course fee: To be advised ask for a quote
Course Description
An introduction to 3D modelling and printing for creative people, perfect for non-CAD user, and focussing on the potential that 3D printing offers you.
This practical course is demonstration and tutorial-led, with plenty of time to handle samples, ask questions, design a 3D object capable of being 3D printed and go through the ordering process.
Using simple Anarkik 3D Design haptic software will get you working creatively from the word go, with a choice of templates for you to customise if you prefer.
An Ultimaker2 personal 3D printer will be printing away to demonstrate the principles of 3D printing.
You will receive practical knowledge and information about 3D printing. By using Anarkik 3D Design you get hands-on experience of designing in 3D and understand both the potential these technologies offer for creating and producing your customised designs and also the constraints!
Beginning with a brief overview of the day and a brief explanation of 3D printing followed by a session of handling 3D printed samples in different materials from different systems.
Designing for 3D Printing session:
design a printable 3D model using Cloud9 - a brief run through to show the software interface and main menu features of Anarkik 3D Design
A haptic modelling software, including the advantages of touch and using a '3D mouse’, followed by your hands-on session.
Easy Navigation - getting the feel for interacting/creating in a risk free 3D virtual environment.
Designing - try out functions, work with templates, create a 3D model through structured playing and exploring, with individual assistance.
Hands on Session: designing to reduce any potential print issues:
Saving models and file formats
Creating clean 3D printable models
Methods to keep costs down
Print Perfectly - getting it printed
Materials you can print: plastics, resin, glass, ceramics, metals, edibles etc
How to access and find 3D Print services
Issues to take into account re shrinkage, support material, strength
At the end of the course there will be an interactive feedback session, to help you identify the next steps, answer your questions and for your to receive course notes to take away with you.
Course: Passionate 3D Creativity
Tutor: Ann Marie Shillito
Programme 9.30am to 5.30pm
Venue: Anarkik's studio office in Edinburgh / Ask about other venue locations.
Course fee: To be advised ask for a quote
Course Description
An interactive tutorial-led practical workshop with demonstrations that enable applied artists and creatives to get a feel for interacting/creating in a risk free 3D virtual environment with Anarkik 3D Design software.
Introduction: A brief overview followed by swift run through in demonsrtation mode to show the interface and main menu features including the advantages of touch and using a '3D mouse’.
Hands on session: Anarkik 3D Design
Navigation - getting the feel for interacting/creating in a risk free 3D virtual environment.
Working through a structured tutorial - try out all the functions through structured playing and exploring, with individual assistance.
See and handle samples and an overview of the completed session.
Designing issues regarding materials and the different 3D printing systems
Brief introduction to 3D printing.
At the end of the course there will be an interactive feedback session, to help you identify the next steps, answer your questions and for you to receive course notes to take away with you.