Option: In studio tuition after Covid Lockdown
Develop & Illustrate your Jewellery Design Ideas

Generate & Develop Design Ideas
Illustrate with Sketches
Improve Techniques for Hand Drawing
Refining your Design
Gemstone Selection
Jewellery Design Diploma
- Tuition from experienced Jewellers; Artists; Gemmologist
- Total of 26 Hours part-time, one-to-one interactive tuition
- Course sessions also available to book individually
- Online Convenient Learning
INTRODUCTION | Why Develop your Jewellery Design Skills
This Jewellery Design Foundation course of step-by-step tutor instruction has been specially designed to introduce creatives to the best kept secrets for designing Jewellery.
Our tutors for this course are some of the finest in the UK Jewellery Industry and they are sharing their expertise to help you get started.
Comprising of three parts, this course has been specially designed to take beginners on a learning journey for designing and drawing Jewellery, by introducing the methods and techniques used by professional Jewellers. The emphasis of the tuition is on the methods for generating original designs, developing design ideas and how to present designs in a confident manner via beautifully hand rendered, recognisable jewellery drawings that can be used to showcase ideas or create a working portfolio.
TUTORS | Expertise
The tutors are all highly experienced in their areas of expertise and they have helped many students learn how to begin designing Jewellery.
DURATION | For Confidence & Competence
The courses set our below are what we recommend for Jewellery Design Beginners, however each of the courses are also available as individual courses for students who may need a refresher course or prefer the flexibility of spacing out their learning.
Undertaking the entire Foundation course series equates to 21 hours of student practise, which includes student homework tasks.
CONTENT | Interactive & Tailored
Our course are designed to be interactive and therefore the content specifics and /or discussions may be tailored to suit students creative preferences as time permits as determined by the tutor.
CERTIFICATE | CPD Continuous Professional or Creative Development
On your Foundation Course completion we provide a PDF Course Certificate to record your Continuous Professional Development (CPD). Your certificate includes information about your tutor’s expertise, which is important for proving the quality of your tuition and the credibility of your learning experience.
On this course with step-by-step guided tuition, the areas covered specially designed to provide you with resources and essential techniques that will help inform your development into a successful Jewellery Designer.
Using free resources to generate Jewellery Designs
Observation for Design
Developing design ideas and showing design transitions in simple form
Learning effective sketching techniques for communicating design ideas
Developing drawing techniques and use of colour
Designing with appropriate Gemstone selections
All these areas are critical for enhancing design thinking and development, successfully communicating design ideas to clients and for creating a cohesive portfolio of designs.
ONLINE | Interactive Tuition student information
This course is delivered via Zoom conferencing, the tutor will text or email you a link with the meeting number to join your course meeting about 30 minutes before the start time.
We recommend you join in advance of your course (This is free of charge) this will make joining your course session a quicker process when the tutor sends you the link.
Prior to your course the tutor will contact you to introduce themselves discuss the course content if necessary.
Session Time:
Start time 10am (GMT London time) Can be flexible
Anytime between 10am - 1pm for 3 or 4 hour duration courses. (GMT London time)
Session Date: Arranged to suit subject to tutor availability
Language: English
COURSE PART 1 | Introduction to Jewellery Design
Tuition| 4 hours as 2x 2 Hour sessions + homework task

Introduction to design resources
Critical observation techniques: Pattern, Shape, Form etc
Collating ideas & Essential tips for using a Mood Board
Developing design ideas
Task set for homework practice
On your first course session, you will explore how patterns and shapes can be transformed into design ideas and with tutor guidance explore how stories, text, language or interactions with your environment can also prompt a narrative for new design ideas. You will also learn about collage mood boards, why they are useful tool and how to use them to successfully capture your inspirations.
Following the first course session the tutor will provide you with a small homework project to practise the techniques covered.
In your second course session you will review ideas and the tutor will introduce you to basic methods for converting a design concept into a real design idea via simple sketchbook design development, the emphasis on this second session being on the importance of recording your ideas in a simple way, to initially avoid being limited by drawing methods.
No previous experience of Jewellery making or design is required for this course, which is open to anyone who would like to explore creating thinking to create design ideas and developing these into real designs.
MATERIALS |All course materials required will be advised by the tutor in advance of the course. You will need these to take part in the course.
The emphasis of this course is for you to gain an understanding of the design process. Firstly by learning to observe the World differently appreciate its beauty and imperfections to find basic ideas for Jewellery, and learn techniques for developing these concepts constructively to create original jewellery designs.
COURSE FEE £295 vat/ tax not applicable
This 4 hour online course is available to book as a stand-alone online course.
Extended course in a studio location (UK) - course of 6 hours tuition - Make an enquiry
COURSE PART 2 |Introduction to Jewellery Design Sketching
Tuition| 6 hours as 2x 3 Hour sessions + homework task

Sketching techniques for critical shapes
The importance of perspective
Basic shading techniques
Drawing reflective surfaces
Basics of using tinted paper & coloured pencils
How to create basic recognisable gemstone shapes
Task set for homework practise
Following on from Foundation Course part 1, the tutor guides your practical introduction and exploration of on the effective use of sketches to illustrate your ideas for Jewellery.
At the beginning of your course, the tutor will firstly explain essential drawing methods via demonstrations and then, with step-by-step tutor guidance you will then complete some practical pencil sketches. These sketching tasks will provide important practical techniques for effective sketching of important shapes using perspective and shading to create simple shape combinations. Techniques for creating simple gemstone shapes will also be included.
There will also be a brief introduction and practice of using pencil on tinted paper and simple use of coloured pencils, another option for creating jewellery design sketches to communicate your ideas.
In between the course sessions the tutor will provide you with a small homework project to practise the techniques covered.
MATERIALS |All course materials required will be advised by the tutor in advance of the course. You will need these to take part in the course.
The content of this course lays down the important foundations for the drawing techniques required to effectively create recognizable simple Jewellery design sketches.
COURSE PART 3 | Developing Jewellery Drawing Techniques
Tuition| 6 hours as 2x 3 Hour sessions + homework task

Your design process overview / Practice issues arising
Confidence building
Light and shade
More complex shape combinations
Using colour
This course is designed to be the next step on from the Introduction to Design Sketching course (Foundation Course part two).
The first part of this course will be to review and discuss your practice drawings of simple forms set at the end of day of the previous course, which are not expected to be perfect, but as aid for the tutor see in which areas might need improvement.
You will then take a little time to re-visit and through step-by-step guided practice of the techniques learn to build confidence and accuracy in your drawing techniques.
Your drawing practice during the course will indicate the beginnings of your design/drawing style, so that future collections of drawings can form a cohesive body of work suitable for a portfolio.
If you have some jewellery ideas you might like to discuss these with the tutor to ask if they might form part of your practice on the day.
MATERIALS |All course materials required will be advised by the tutor in advance of the course. You will need these to take part in the course.
The emphasis of this course is to provide practical tips for enhancing your jewellery drawings as your practice becomes more detailed. Build confidence and use techniques learned to practice creating jewellery illustrations. ​
NOTE | This course is not available as a stand-alone course, however it may be booked as part of a set of two courses alongside the Introduction to Jewellery Design Sketching.
Tutor Options
Tuition Type / Location
Tutor Images & Experience
Tutor Options
Tuition Type / Location
Tutor Images & Experience
COURSE PART 4 | Refining your Jewellery Design
Tuition| 4 hours as 2x 2 Hour sessions + student homework

Design scale & proportion
Establishing size
Precious Metals and other materials – Suitability for Jewellery Types
Fittings /Fastenings
Creating a Design Control Sheet
This course has been designed to cover the next important steps required to refine the important details of your design following the completion of your design concept and design drawings (which may have already shown to a client).
This course option has been created to assist Jewellery Designers who may have limited bench experience, who might be unfamiliar with some of the choices available for refining or concluding designs and this course explains the decisions that ideally, need to be made at the pre-production stage. All the information gathered to refine your Jewellery design, forms a Design Control Sheet which when completed can be used to explain your design configuration - particularly useful if you are outsourcing the manufacture of your Jewellery.
In session one, you will learn about important design matters such as scale, proportion; material choices; fastenings and fittings. All of these areas are required to inform the process of getting your jewellery made by hand or by CAD, they are also invaluable for determining cost and selling price implications and are effective for recording your design/commission practise.
A design homework task is set after session one and forms an important part of the session two content.
In session two, you will be using one of your own designs as an example for applying all the items discussed in session one in order to conclude your design. Any decisions made at this stage are not final; they are used in this course to demonstrate what is required for refining your design and what needs to form the basis of a Design Control Sheet.
Finally you will be provided with some useful reading/reference material for future use.
MATERIALS |All course materials or course preparation required will be advised by the tutor in advance of the course.
To gain a greater understanding of the options and decisions needed to be made for refining and finalising a design before production begins.
IMPORTANT: Suitable for all however, you need to have acquired some basic Jewellery drawing /rendering techniques as per course 2 and 3 above because these also form an essential part of your Design Control Sheet content.
Tutor Options
Tuition Type / Location
Tutor Images & Experience
COURSE PART 5 | Gemstones for Jewellery Designs
Tuition| 6 hours as 2x 3 Hour sessions + student homework practise

The important basic attributes of gemstones
About the effect of treatments on Colour
Selecting suitable gemstones for a Jewellery type.
Use of Gemstones to inform possibilities for design inspiration and/or Jewellery design
Care of gemstone jewellery
This interactive course is delivered by a professional Gemmologist covers the importance and consideration of Gemstone aspects. The course content has been specifically created to assist Designers or Jewellery Makers to design for, choose or buy the most suitable Gemstones for specific types of Jewellery.
During the course you will discover some enchanting Gemstone stories that have the potential to initiate a gem set Jewellery design ideas or provide narrative potential for a particular piece of Jewellery or Jewellery range.
There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion relating to your own Gemstone experiences or concerns and the course content can be tailored to suit specific coloured Gemstones of interest.
Session 1
The important basic attributes of gemstones such as the importance of hardness, the different aspects to the cut, colour distribution, essential knowledge for selecting a suitable gemstone for a Jewellery type.
Session 2
The emphasis of the content of this session is to broaden your awareness of Gemstones to inform possibilities for design inspiration and/or Jewellery design development, which includes;
Gemstone species and varieties and the different colours found
Birthstones & Wedding Anniversary Gemstones
Gemstone stories; Myths, Legends and Superstitions
Healing properties of gemstones
Geographical and geological origins of a selection of gemstones
Gemstone treatments
Care of gemstone jewellery
Course notes will be provided before the course starts so that you can refer to these during the course and make a note of a question arising you might like to ask during the course.
Note about Pearls & Diamonds |As standard this course content does not include in-depth Diamond or Pearls, These are more complex and require specialised separate tuition, however we can include some basic aspects of these if students request this in advance of the course.
No previous Gemmological knowledge is required in order to participate and benefit from this Course.
MATERIALS |No materials are required for this course.
The content of this course is to provide essential knowledge to enable Jewellery Designers and Makers make informed decisions when considering Gem set jewellery designs or when making Gemstone choices for their Jewellery.
Tutor Options
Tuition Type / Location
Tutor Images & Experience
£1640.00 GBP (26 Hours Online 1:1 Tuition)
Courses with fees advised may be also be booked individually
Make a Course Enquiry​​
Make an Enquiry here >
Advise your details on the form provided.
At this stage this is just an enquiry with no obligation to book. We understand you may need more information.
Additional Information
What is the course date?
All private tuition courses are arranged upon request on a date to suit you, subject to tutor availability.
We will provides some course dates for you to choose from or you can ask about a course date of day of the week preference.
About Tuition and the Course Fee
Online Courses
Tuition is interactive, one-to-one and fully guided by the tutor. You will need to download the appropriate software onto your Computer or Laptop.
See student information about online learning above.
Courses are priced individually because the course fee is based upon the fee a tutor charges to take a day out their industry/trade work to teach.
About Materials
The tutor will provide a list of items you need to have ready for course tuition.
Booking/Payment Information
Payment is required in advance and payments are handled safely and securely by BACS Bank Transfer invoicing (IBAN SWIFT or Paypal for International students).
Some courses are available to pay in instalments, whereby a non-refundable deposit is required to book your course date. Please ask for details if this is of interest to you.
Booking Information
Once you have booked a cancellation fee of *£200 will be deducted from your refund if you cancel your course up to and including 14 days prior to the start of the course once your payment has been received.
Cancellations received within 14 days of the course date are not eligible for a refund, however you may re-arrange your course for one other date if you wish.
Should we need to cancel your course due to unforeseen circumstances we will refund your course fee in full. Please note, travel and accommodation booked is not eligible for a refund/reimbursement, if you are worried about this we recommend you contact your own Insurer for advice.
* Amount is variable depending on the duration and type of the course. When you enquire, out quote reply will provide the actual cancellation amount applicable.