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Business Planning for Creative Souls 

Business thinking for independent Creative people

Tutor & Author Pete Mosley
This valuable resource is a blend of video, audio, things to read, things to reflect on and things to print off and do. 
Lots of the activities are designed to be done offline. You don't have to start at the beginning and work towards the end. You can dip in and out of the content in any order you choose. I will be adding Material on a regular basis.

Business Thinking for Creative Souls

Here's what you get!

49 Sections of thought provoking material.


A Toolkit that leads with lifestyle ambitions and fills in the critical business information along the way. 

COURSE FEE £59.40*

*Using code as applicable

Get the lifestyle you want and a business you love. 

An online course from Pete Mosley


*During the launch period only which gives you a 40% discount (Inclusive of VAT)

Course Description

Business Thinking for Independent Creative Souls


These are strange times. When you have a small business or you are an independant creative it's easy to get frozen in the headlights and end up believing there's not much you can do. That's simply not true. Of course no-one can predict the future, so making massive long term plans may seem a bit unrealistic.
But we can plan our way through this in manageable bite size stages. We can plan for a better life, with more balance, and we can plan to do things in more sustainable ways, built on well-chosen relationships.

Many of you love the idea of independent creative self-employment but also admit to a strong dislike of traditional business planning.


- So how do you resolve that paradox? 


Well, in truth its it's all down to where you start the exploration.

The toolkit will build your ability to:

  • Think about your business or independent creative career in a structured way.

  • Run your business well, and to feel organised and in control.

  • Think ahead - developing new products and attracting new customers.

  • Understand your values, and why they are important.

  • Build repeat custom rather than one-off sales.

  • Ask for help - from the right people - when you need it.

  • Get paid - in full and on time! (this section alone will justify your investment in the course).


  • And much more...

For over 25 years Pete Moseley has specialised in coaching, mentoring and advising people like you whilst they embrace the thinking and planning that's involved in starting and maintaining their own businesses. 
He has created this very different approach to the business planning process.
The key is to stoke the excitement and energy along the way by thinking about the lifestyle that you want to create for yourself rather than all the boring stuff. That can come later when you're feeling ready for it. And when you are ready for it - hey presto! - it's less boring..

How would you like to make your plan with enthusiasm, joy and a sense of excitement?

You will be starting with the following key questions, presented to you as as series of 'thought experiments' open up a much broader vision of what a satisfying and sustainable business might be built around;

  • What sort of lifestyle do you want your business activity to lead towards?
  • How and where do you want to live? Lush or frugal? Urban or in the wild?
  • Office, workshop - or nomadic?
  • What sort of business do you need to build to support that lifestyle?
  • What have you got that's unique - that's YOU - that is also saleable?
  • What underlying values and sense of purpose will drive this along?
  • What does the geography of your business need to look like in order to make it exciting enough to pour in the requisite energy and commitment? Where in the world do you want to be?
  • What is the scale of your ambition - local, regional, national, global?
  • What sort of people do you want to build your key business relationships with?
  • How will you get people to take you seriously?
Exploring these scenarios makes the business planning process relevant and exciting. The need to think ahead, plan and research suddenly becomes vital and personal rather than academic and functionally oriented.
By using this tool kit you can create a workable business plan and still feel excited about what the future holds.
That thinking underpins the structure of this toolkit. With 49 sections, it's full of thought provoking material. It leads with lifestyle ambitions and fills in the critical business information along the way. You'll enjoy the process!


Who would benefit from this?

  • Freelancers.
  • Self-employed people who work alone.
  • Art & Design students who need to create a business plan for their course.
  • Coaches, therapists or change makers
  • Anyone with an idea that they wish to develop into an income earning proposition will find this useful.
We all struggle with the same issues.
This essential resource is a blend of video, audio, things to read, things to reflect on and things to print off and do. A lot of the activities are designed to be done offline - so you don't need to be hooked to the screen all the time whilst using the toolkit. 
You don't have to start at the beginning and work towards the end. You can dip in and out of the content in any order you choose. Material will be added on regular basis.

Testimonials from Course Users

Testimonial _ Business planning for crea
Testimonial 02  _ Business planning for

About  the tutor

Pete has worked with creative freelancers all his life. He was originally trained as a mentor by Arts Council, has taught and mentored on Craft Council's prestigious Hothouse scheme, was Business Editor for Craft and Design magazine for many years, and is well known for his writing, training and 1-1 coaching with creatives, coaches, therapists and change-makers.


He's trained to Postgraduate level in Business & Personal coaching, and has a Professional Certified Coach credential with the International Coaching Federation.


Pete specialises in mentoring creative professionals who are starting or developing their own creative businesses.


He delivers talks and courses on Creativity and Business & Professional Development for universities, businesses and creative organisations and his experience also includes Project Manager for Derby University's Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice for artists / makers for 12 years. 


Pete also writes for many UK and International blogs and magazines. he is author of 'Make Your Creativity Pay’, published in 2011 and ‘The Art of Shouting Quietly, was published on Kindle  July 2014. 


Because of his extensive expertise Pete Mosley was invited to be on the Panel of Experts for The Bespoke Jewellery Training Company.

How to Book


This online course books directly through the Tutor's website from here


*During the launch period only which gives you a 40% discount (Inclusive of VAT)

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