In studio option (UK)
Gemstones for Jewellery
- 6 Hours (As 2x 3 Hours sessions)| Private Tuition
- Learn how to select the perfect gemstone for your Jewellery
- Tuition from a professional Gemmologist
Course Description
This interactive one day course has been designed to be helpful to anyone interested in handling Gemstones, from the Jewellery Designer or Manufacturer who uses Gemstones in their Jewellery settings and designs to the Gemstone enthusiast who loves to wear Gemstone Jewellery.

The course content covers the importance and consideration of aspects such as hardness, cut, inclusions, and colour when choosing Gemstones for Jewellery.
This course offers students plenty of opportunity for discussion relating to their own Gemstone experiences and concerns and you may ask the tutor to include your favourite stone in the course content.
Part 1 | 3 Hours
This first course session covers important basic attributes of gemstones such as the importance of hardness, the different aspects to the cut, colour distribution.
Part 2 | 3 Hours
Your second course session concentrates on:
Gemstone species and varieties and the different colours found
A selection of geographical and geological origins of popular gemstones
An overview of about Gemstone inclusions & Gemstone treatments,
Birthstones, Wedding Anniversary gemstones
Gemstone Stories: Myths and superstitions
Healing properties of gemstones
Care of gemstone jewellery
Course notes will be provided before the course starts so that you can refer to these during the course and make a note of any questions arising you might like to ask during the course.
Course note
Some of the individual Gemmology areas mentioned in the above sessions can be quite extensive and the tutor will covers basic important aspects during this course. If you would like to delve into much more depth in any particular area, additional courses sessions can be arranged.
Important note about Pearls & Diamonds
Pearl and Diamond hardness and care are included briefly in this course, however the extensive subjects of Diamond Grading and quality factors of Pearls must be offered as separate practical course sessions. (Not available online).
No previous knowledge of Gemstones or Gemmology is required in order to participate and benefit from this useful and fascinating course.
1. Courses are delivered interactively by Zoom ( and your tuition is one-to-one with the tutor.
You join Zoom before the course, membership is free of charge.
2. Just before your course session the tutor will email or text you a link to join your course session just before the agreed session time.
3. Course notes will be provided before the course starts so that you can refer to these during the course and make a note of a question arising you might like to ask during the course.
4. Session start time options 9.30am or 1pm (GMT London time). Can be tailored slightly to suit.
International students please see below.
International students
- Please ensure your local time is compatible for learning with a tutor based in the UK.
- The course tuition is in English as standard.
International payments: Please allow at least 3 days for payment, and note the course fee must be received at least 48 hours prior to the start of the course.
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Practical Course Extension | 5 Hours
Location: Coventry, UK

This practical face-to-face addition to the online course provides a unique opportunity for students to experience a combined tuition session with expert Gemmology tutor Kate and experienced Jeweller Aleks in their adjacent Gem Lab and Jewellery workshop.
In this session students will handle both rough and fashioned gemstone materials, examples from the gemmology tutor’s extensive collection of gem specimens, examples of which are widely seen within today’s retail market.
No previous knowledge of Gemstones or Gemmology is required in order to participate and benefit from this useful and fascinating course.
Make an Enquiry

Jeweller Aleks offers you a brief introduction to his fascinating traditional working environment, where you will discover the real story of how Jewellery is made.
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Tutor Options
The tutors for this course work as professional Gemmologists and Jewellery Industry specialists who are willing to share their expertise and trade secrets with you.
Course Type and/or
Workshop Location
Tutors & Course Fee
Tutor Experience
Additional Information
What is the course date?
The course date is set by you, so that you can undertake a tuition session at your convenience.
All dates / times of course sessions are subject to tutor availability.
About Tuition
Gemstone materials, for study are provided by the tutor for this course. Both rough and fashioned, examples of which are widely seen within today’s retail market.
About the Course Fee
A large portion of the course fee quoted is paid to the tutor, because, it’s their expertise that you pay for. In addition a there is a small fee for arranging your course which is included in the total course fee.
Where there is a selection of tutors, course, fee's may vary due to individual tutor requirements for teaching.
Course fee payment is required in advanced by BACS Bank Transfer invoice or IBAN for international students.
Vat/Tax is not applicable
Make a Course Enquiry
Advise your details on the form provided. At this stage this is just an enquiry with no obligation to book.
You will receive full details to help you decide if you would like to book the course.
Make an Enquiry here >
Booking Information
Payment Terms
Payment is required in advance and payments are handled safely and securely by BACS Bank Transfer invoicing (IBAN for International students.
Some courses are available to pay in instalments, whereby a non-refundable deposit is required to book your course date. Please ask for details if this is of interest to you.
Booking Terms
Once you have booked a cancellation fee of £75* will be deducted from your refund if you cancel your course up to and including 14 days prior to the start of the course once your payment has been received.
Cancellations received within 14 days of the course date are not eligible for a refund, however you may re-arrange your course for one other date if you wish.
Should we need to cancel your course due to unforeseen circumstances we will refund your course fee in full.
* Amount is variable depending on the duration and type of the course. When you enquire, out quote reply will provide the actual cancellation amount applicable. £75 applies to a standard one day course. Gem-A courses are fully quoted prior to booking.
ZOOM ONLINE COURSES | Student Information
1. Courses are delivered interactively by Zoom ( You join Zoom before the course, membership is free of charge.
2. Just before your course session the tutor will email or text you a link to join your course session just before the agreed session time.
3. Course notes will be provided before the course starts so that you can refer to these during the course and make a note of a question arising you might like to ask during the course.
4. Session start time options 9.30am or 1pm (GMT London time). Can be tailored slightly to suit.
International students please see below.
International students
- Please ensure your local time is compatible for learning with a tutor based in the UK.
- The course tuition is in English as standard.
- International payments: Please allow at least 3 days for payment, and note the course fee must be received at least 48 hours prior to the start of the course.